The LegacyWise DocuCare℠ service organizes, stores, cares for, and protects your estate documents. It affords 24/7 access to your documents via our secure DocuCare cloud storage. Importantly, lifetime document updates can be made at no additional cost.
DocuCare solves the problems families face when documents are stored in bank lockboxes or hidden places that cannot easily be accessed when the documents are needed most. DocuCare’s cost is less than those typically charged for even the smallest lockbox, yet covers many services besides just storage.
With DocuCare℠:
Time is on your side.
DocuCare’s easy access allows you to review or download your documents anytime. If you wish, you may also share access to your documents with others.
Security is in mind.
Your completed documents will be converted from physical to electronic copies and available to you online 24/7. You can access them with your password-protected LegacyWise account. Original documents are stored in our secure facility.
You can make lifetime updates at no additional cost.
Need to add a beneficiary or change a power of attorney? DocuCare allows you to make changes to your documents at any time, for up to 100 years.
Your convenience is paramount.
A pre-paid shipping label will be provided for you to send your documents to us after signing and notarizing them. Upon request, DocuCare also covers mailing out financial or healthcare Powers of Attorney, anywhere in the USA, at no extra cost.
Enrollment is simple.
Pay a one-time fee of $99 to open the DocuCare account. $39 then is due on each anniversary until the account is closed. This fee covers the cost to ship the documents to us and to return them when your account is closed. It also pays for us to scan and file them for you.
Additional Services are available.
DocuCare allows you to order printed copies of your documents at a modest cost and have them delivered anywhere you request.