LegacyWise For Organizations
Does LegacyWise work with businesses?
Yes. LegacyWise is available to for-profit corporations. Some have sponsored LegacyWise seminars as a service to their employees or other constituents.
LegacyWise For Organizations
Yes. LegacyWise is available to for-profit corporations. Some have sponsored LegacyWise seminars as a service to their employees or other constituents.
Yes. LegacyWise is available to non-profit corporations.
Yes. LegacyWise originated in the Christian faith. As a matter of obedience to that faith, it is offered to all religious communities. It is also offered to those who are not religious.
Offering a LegacyWise workshop provides your members with a sense of value and belonging.
No. LegacyWise is scalable to any member size.